Author: Lunt, Winnie

Annual Year-End Deadlines (From KFS Listserv)

Annual Year-End Deadlines

The annual notice of financial year-end deadlines for contracts, commitments, expenditures and other transactions is located at the following link: Fiscal Year End Deadlines 6/30/2020. Your attention to and assistance in meeting these deadlines are necessary to ensure an orderly closing of University financial records and the audit of the financial statements that ensues following the close.  As with any close of a fiscal year, the Finance team members are committed to assisting you with your procurement and reimbursement needs.  We will continue to process all documents in accordance with Federal, State and University requirements, in support of operational, educational and research activities during this period.

For more information, contact: Trish Casey, AVP of Financial Operations and Controller, University of Connecticut, 343 Mansfield Road, Unit 1074, Storrs at Please see link above for additional contacts.


Annette Pavone, CPA
Accounting Manager, Inventory Control & Capitalization
Accounting Office
University of Connecticut
343 Mansfield Road
Storrs, CT 06269-1074
Phone (860) 486-2934

Adjunct Processing in PageUp (From HR)

Dear Colleagues,

In December, the University transitioned to a new recruitment and onboarding system, PageUp. PageUp is the University’s system of record for recruitment, and it’s cloud-based functionality allows the University to generate digital offer letters.

As part of this transition, all new and recurring hires, including those on special payroll, require processing through PageUp. As such, all adjunct faculty must submit an up-to-date resume through PageUp to ensure appropriate integration into the new system and no break in service (adjunct faculty who teach for more than one department will need to submit a resume for each department). After successfully submitting a resume in PageUp, Human Resources will have the appropriate records to issue future offer letters without additional action from adjunct faculty. Periodically, Human Resources may require adjuncts to submit up-to-date resumes.
Human Resources will rely on academic departments to contact adjuncts directly with instructions on submitting resumes in PageUp.
Please contact with questions.

Thank you,
Human Resources


Good afternoon,

The link in the Core-CT auto generated email sent to Smart HR Approvers is currently not working. While this technical issue is being resolved, please approve Smart HR transactions by signing directly into Core-CT at Smart HR transactions pending approval can be located by navigating to your worklist, or to the Manage Transactions page. Instructions for using these alternative methods of approval can be found in the Approving Smart HR Transactions job aid.

Additionally, there is a secondary issue that is under review. Smart HR approval emails are being routed to email spam folders. Please be sure to review this folder regularly.

Questions regarding the alternative approval process can be emailed to

Sent: Thursday, April 9, 2020 1:54 PM

RFD processing (From UConn Foundation)

Attachment: KFS requirements

Good morning!

I hope this e-mail finds you and your families well.

I’m writing to provide some information from the Foundation disbursements team as we continue working from home.

We are still processing RFDs.  With our move to the PaperSave system earlier in this fiscal year we were prepared for this turn of events that has upended our world.  Please continue to reach out to us if you have any questions.  We do have access to our voice-mails but e-mail is probably a better solution at this time.  We can set up on-line meetings and/or phone calls if there is a need.

As I had communicated in an earlier e-mail, we do not have the ability to cut checks.  We can send via Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) for those we have information for.  If you are submitting an RFD and are unsure if we have EFT information, please reach out so we can take a look at them for you.

As year-end is approaching I would encourage you to look at KFS and Banner reimbursements to see if there are some you can do now rather than waiting till the end of the year.  I have attached a document that the team has put together to help identify define and clarify what is needed for KFS reimbursements.

As always, please feel free to reach out to us if you have any questions, concerns or challenges you would like to talk through.

Be well and be safe!


Edward Liedke
Director of Fund Administration
And Disbursements
Phone:  860-486-2006
2390 Alumni Dr. U-3206
Storrs, CT 06269

Temporary Controllable Property Guidelines – COVID-19

Due to COVID-19 and to ensure business continuity, the Controller’s Division is making the following temporary policy/procedures changes with regards to Controllable Property:


Since the COVID-19 pandemic has caused most employees to telecommute from home, UConn has been allowing the purchase of small dollar items to be shipped to home locations.   Consistent with the University’s Policy on Controllable Property and the University’s Guide to the State Code of Ethics, All items purchased or reimbursed by UConn for use by employees are owned by UConn, and are to be used for UConn-related business.


In order to maintain control over purchases of items that are shipped to or used at employees’ homes, certain additional items that have an expected useful life of more than 1 year should be classified as controllable property. These items may include:

Computer monitors, printers, scanners

Headphones / headsets


Other electronic devices or peripherals with an expected useful life of more than 1 year

 Controllable property that meet these guidelines must be coded to Object Code 8306 Controllable Property, and Project Code COVID19. Inventory Control will create an asset record identified as a COVID-19 item. When available, Inventory Control will reach out to the employee to obtain a serial number for the item.

Once employees are able to return to their work location, Inventory Control will work with departments to tag the controllable property and update the inventory location.

Employees, Supervisors and Fiscal Officers are expected to use best-judgment and reason and continue to be good stewards of University resources during this unusual time.

UConn’s policy on Controllable Property policy states that:

It is the responsibility of the individual departments to identify and inventory Controllable Property assets on a regular basis.

Per the policy, Controllable Property is defined as:

Items with a cost under $5,000 that have a life of one or more years, and are sensitive, portable, and theft-prone in nature. These items are prone to theft because they are either not secured, are easily portable, contain new technology, contain sensitive data, and/or they are adaptable for personal use.  Examples of Controllable Property assets include: audiovisual equipment, televisions, projectors, communication equipment, cellular phones, data processing equipment, computers (laptops, iPads, Netbooks), computer peripherals, scanners, and cameras.


Annette Pavone, CPA
Accounting Manager, Inventory Control & Capitalization
Accounting Office
University of Connecticut
343 Mansfield Road
Storrs, CT 06269-1074
Phone (860) 486-2934


From: Kuali Financial System <KFS-L@LISTSERV.UCONN.EDU> On Behalf Of Pavone, Annette
Sent: Monday, April 6, 2020 9:11 AM
Subject: Temporary Controllable Property Guidelines – COVID-19

Reminder: Coding of COVID-19 Expenses

The message below was sent out on March 14th as part of the UConn Coronavirus Daily Update. This is a reminder of how to code expenses related to COVID-19:

Over the next several weeks UConn will be incurring unusual expenses attributable to Coronavirus. It is important that departments add additional identifiers to Travel, e-docs, Requisitions, and Purchase Orders for these expenses directly associated with the prevention of COVID-19. Some of the types of expenses that we would consider to be unusual:

  1. Non-refundable Travel Costs because of Coronavirus
  2. Purchasing of equipment to work remotely (Computers, cables, iPads, etc.)
  3. Purchase of office and research supplies as a result of Coronavirus
  4. Purchase of additional cleaning materials to clean offices, bathrooms, doors, etc.
  5. Additional services needed from UConn vendors for facility services and housekeeping

This list is not all inclusive and ask yourself if the expense you are incurring is a normal expense or because of the current situation with Coronavirus.

Please follow these instructions when coding your expenses:


In Concur, add the following identifier COVID19 to this field:

Husky Buy:

In Husky Buy, add the following identifier COVID19 to this field:

Kuali Financial Systems:

In KFS, add the following identifier COVID19 to this field:

For items purchased and already posted to KFS:

If you have already purchased an item or service related to COVID-19 and it has posted to KFS, please complete an IAA (Intra-Account Adjustment) edoc to update the Project field.

Need additional help? We are here to help you:

Kuali Financial Systems – KFS
Lori-Anne Hansen – Associate Controller

Husky Buy
Nancy Patrylak – Procurement Manager

Concur – Travel
Dan Warren – Director


From: Kuali Financial System <KFS-L@LISTSERV.UCONN.EDU> On Behalf Of Pavone, Annette
Sent: Friday, April 3, 2020 12:53 PM
Subject: Reminder: Coding of COVID-19 Expenses

FW: COVID-related expenses and requests for supplies, personnel

Hello everyone,

Just sharing an important reminder to follow the attached guidance regarding the coding of expenses associated with COVID-19.

Thank you,

PDF: Coding Expenses Associated with Coronavirus_3.17.2020[1]

Dear Colleagues,

As part of our efforts to coordinate operational and financial aspects of the University’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic, I am writing to ask that you share guidance with managers and supervisors in your units with respect to the following ongoing matters:

  1. Now that Federal and State emergency measures have been invoked through several executive orders, it may be possible for UConn to receive financial relief for some of the expenses it has incurred in response to the virus and its effects. We do not yet know with any precision what sorts of reimbursements we may be eligible for, but we do know that the only way we can make a case for them is if we are fastidious in our tracking and documentation of these expenses. It is very important that departments keep careful records of all unanticipated expenses. These may include additional equipment and supply purchases, additional staffing needs, and any other spending that has arisen in response to the pandemic. Please see the attached guidelines for coding expenses related to COVID-19.
  2. If any unit receives requests for supplies, equipment, or staffing to fill needs associated with the pandemic, either from another UConn unit or from any external body (including the State of Connecticut), these requests should be communicated directly to the Office of Emergency Management,, with a copy to our office,  All institutional responses to such requests are being managed and tracked centrally.

Thank you for your assistance in these matters. Wishing you continued health in these challenging times.




Jeffrey S. Shoulson

Vice Provost for Academic Operations

Professor of Literatures, Cultures, and Languages and Professor of English

University of Connecticut

352 Mansfield Road, Unit 1086

Storrs, CT 06268-1086


IMPORTANT – COVID-19 Timesheet Reporting Requirements

Good Afternoon,

We hope this message finds you well!

You are receiving this message as you have been identified as a Time Reporter, Timekeeper or Time Approver in Core-CT.  This message contains important information regarding the proper coding of timesheets related to the COVID-19 pandemic.  It is mandatory that timesheets be completed in accordance with these guidelines to ensure accurate financial reporting.

A ‘COVID-19 Time Reporting’ webpage has been created to inform employees and supervisors how to complete timesheets for pay period ending 3/26/20.  The page provides applicable scenarios, along with examples of how timesheet entry should be completed for those scenarios requiring an Override Reason Code.  Please note that Override Reason Codes are used for reporting purposes, and are critical to meeting our operational and business needs during this unprecedented event.  It is imperative that timesheets reflect appropriate Override Reason Codes.  Please review guidance at before completing and approving employee timesheets.

In accordance with standard biweekly deadlines, all employees who are required to submit a timesheet must do so no later than the close of business on Friday, March 27th for the pay cycle running March 13th through March 26th.  For questions regarding the coding of timesheets, you may contact the appropriate Payroll staff member(s) at  Any questions regarding the reason for an employee’s absence as it relates to COVID-19 should be emailed to

Thank you for your patience and flexibility as we continue to work through the evolving time reporting requirements related to COVID-19.

Jennifer Person
Director, Payroll Department
University of Connecticut
343 Mansfield Rd., Unit 1111
Storrs, CT  06269-1111

P:  860-486-0962, or 860-486-2423
F:  860-486-4296


From: Time_Approvers-L <TIME_APPROVERS-L@LISTSERV.UCONN.EDU> On Behalf Of Payroll – Time Administrator
Sent: Thursday, March 26, 2020 3:21 PM
Subject: IMPORTANT – COVID-19 Timesheet Reporting Requirements
Importance: High

Concur Travel and Expense Training (From Daily Digest)

Concur Travel and Expense Training

Concur Travel and Expense Training Opportunities

Whether you have been using Concur since October or you are going live this spring, training is available for all Employees, Grad Assistants, Grad Interns, and Post-Docs. Please visit the Travel and Expense Project Page or the Professional Development Training Page directly to register for a session(s) most applicable to you.  Training options are outlined in the table below.

Concur Travel and Expense Reference Material

As always, training documentation, pre-recorded training, and e-learning modules are always available by visiting the Travel and Expense Project Page directly.

Class Title


Training Length

Concur Delegate Training (WebEx) This session is recommended for employees, who will be delegated to assist with the preparation of travel requests and/or expense reports, on behalf of another UConn End User (traveler). This training encapsulates the entirety of all concur training sessions, excluding Approver related tasks. You do not need to attend the other trainings in addition to this, unless you are also approving requests and/or expense reports.

3 Hours

Concur Travel and Request Training for End Users (WebEx) This session is recommended for employees traveling on behalf of UConn.

1.5 Hours

Concur Expense Report End User Training (WebEx) This session is recommended for employees seeking reimbursement for UConn travel and/or non-travel related business expenses.

1.5 Hours

Concur Approver Training (WebEx) This session is recommended for employees approving travel requests and/or travel and non-travel expense reports at UConn. Approvers in Concur are defined as those whom have direct reports in CORE CT and/or those listed as a Fiscal Officer in KFS.

1 Hour

For more information, contact: Travel at

Update on COVID-19 Time Reporting

Good Afternoon,

Thank you for your patience as we work through the time reporting requirements related to the COVID-19 pandemic.  As you know, guidance continues to evolve, making it challenging to provide the most up-to-date information related to the completion and approval of employee timesheets.  While we develop detailed direction over the next few days on time and attendance requirements, we ask that employee timesheets NOT be submitted and approved until notified later this week.  Our goal is to limit the number of timesheet corrections that will be required, and to ensure timely and accurate pay to employees.

We appreciate your cooperation and flexibility.


Jennifer Person
Director, Payroll Department
University of Connecticut
343 Mansfield Rd., Unit 1111
Storrs, CT  06269-1111

P:  860-486-0962, or 860-486-2423
F:  860-486-4296

From: Time_Approvers-L <TIME_APPROVERS-L@LISTSERV.UCONN.EDU> On Behalf Of Payroll – Time Administrator
Sent: Monday, March 23, 2020 3:29 PM
Subject: Update on COVID-19 Time Reporting
Importance: High