News and Announcements

Reminder: Review HR SPAR Changes in PageUp (From HR)

Dear Colleagues,

We write to share a reminder about reviewing HR comments before making a final Special Payroll offer in PageUp.

As HR reserves the right to revise requests in PageUp to ensure compliance with University policy and state and federal laws and regulations, including adjusting the start date of an appointment that is less than 10 days from the HR approval date, departments should always review post-approval HR comments and revisions to remain aware of changes. Departments will see a sentence in the PageUp-generated Approved Offer communication, for a further reminder: “REMINDER: HR recommends that hiring departments review the offer letter and any comments in the hire request before updating the applicant’s status to Make Online Offer.

Additional Reminders

  • For guidance on submitting Special Payroll requests in PageUp, refer to the combined Technical and Functional Guide.
  • Summer Session and Fall Dates and Deadlines have been posted to the Special Payroll Information webpage.
    • Please note, 9-month and 10-month faculty summer appointments should be submitted directly into SmartHR.

For questions, please review the “Who To Contact” section on the Special Payroll Information Page.

Thank you,
Human Resources

New Workflow in the reconciliation of CBS (Procard) Reports (from UBS)

Good Afternoon:

After receiving feedback from various University stakeholders about increasing efficiencies, expediting administrative processes within Concur, and keeping in mind the mission of providing the best customer care services to the University community, we write to inform you of exciting changes coming to Company Bill Statement (CBS) Reports for ProCard reconciliation (which includes grant funded expenses) submitted through Concur, the University’s Travel & Expense management system.

Beginning Monday, May 17, 2021, CBS Reports for ProCard reconciliation will no longer require electronic approval within Concur by either Principal Investigator (PI) or Sponsored Program (SPS) groups. While the new change will go into effect on May 17, 2021, any in-progress CBS Reports for ProCard reconciliation submitted prior to the effective date of the change are subject to the previous workflow model which currently requires that PI and SPS approvals based on funding source. If you have any such CBS Reports in-progress, you may elect to recall and resubmit them in Concur after May 17, 2021 to take advantage of the new workflow model. Please keep in mind if such in-progress CBS Reports have already received Fiscal Officer (FO) approval, that same FO approval will again be required following resubmission.

If you have any questions, please reach out to

Thank you,

Thank you,
Nancy Patrylak, CPCP
Procurement Solutions Center Manager
University of Connecticut
University Business Services
3 Discovery Drive, Unit 6076
Storrs, CT 06269
(860) 486-2622 – phone
(860) 486-5051 – fax
*For travel inquiries please contact us at

Concur Expenditure Type – Publishing Fees (From SPS)

Hello All!

At the last SPA meeting (4/21/21) we discussed Publication and Printing Costs.  At the time I had advised that for out of pocket reimbursements that the “Printing and Binding” expense type should be used as “Publication Fees” was not available.  I am writing to inform you that the  “Publication Fees” expense type is now available on both company billed statements and for out of pocket reimbursements.  Please do select this expense type for publication costs for documenting, preparing, publishing, disseminating, page and reprint charges.

Please let me know if you have any questions,



Jennifer Przybyszewski, MBA
Associate Director for Award Management and Accounting

Office of the Vice President for Research
University of Connecticut
Sponsored Program Services
438 Whitney Road Ext. Unit 1133
Storrs, CT 06269-1133
Phone: 860-486-4293

HUSKYBUY BROADCAST – Software Purchase Privacy/Security Up

FY22 Blanket Orders and Requisitions

HuskyBuy is now ready for submission of new requisitions and blanket PO requests for FY22. For Blanket Orders you can create a new requisition by copying an existing requisition of your FY21 PO. Review and update pertinent information including account, dollar amount, contract number if applicable, PO valid from and to dates. Full Instructions

Thank you,

The Procurement Solutions Center

Updated Relocation and Moving Policy (From Daily Digest)

The Board of Trustees approved a revised Relocation and Moving Policy, which applies to designated Full-Time Faculty, Management Exempt Administrators, and Management Exempt positions with faculty titles, Athletics, and Librarians with a start date of February 25, 2021 and beyond. The policy may be viewed here.

For more information, contact: Office of the Provost at

FY22 University Program Fringe Rates (From Budget Office)

DATE:             February 8, 2021

TO:                  Deans, Directors, Department Heads, and Fiscal Officers

FROM:            Office of Budget & Planning

RE:                  University Program Fringe Benefit Rates for FY22


The University has developed composite fringe benefit rates for FY22 for the University Program accounts. These rates are charged against employees on all non-sponsored research accounts, including those funded by tuition, state appropriation, auxiliaries, research IDC, fees, outside revenue and foundation. Ledgers 2, 3, 4 and some 6 (foundation accounts) all use these University Program rates. The new rates are effective with the first pay period in FY22 which will begin June 4, 2021.

The fringe rates are based on a combination of anticipated inflation and actual individual selections of retirement and health insurance plans. Please see below for a summary of the rates by employee group.

We will be providing departments with permanent funding to cover the fringe rate increases for Ledger 2 (OPTUI) accounts only. This will be done as part of the initial Budget Construction load. We will be sending a spreadsheet to each organization in the next two weeks with their total permanent funding and the total fringe rate adjustment amounts.

The University establishes distinct rates for University Program accounts and for Sponsored Programs accounts. The Sponsored Program rates will be provided separately.

If you have any questions on the University Program rates, please contact your assigned budget analyst or the Office of Budget & Planning at

File Attachment: FY22 University Program Fringe Rates

Concur Training Sessions Available for CBS (Pro-Card) and Expense (From Travel)

Dear Concur User,

In an effort to provide ongoing support to our Faculty, Staff and Students we have scheduled monthly Concur training sessions. We encourage you to take the opportunity to get a refresher or learn more about the system.

Click the links below to register for one or more training sessions based on your preference.

We have two types of trainings scheduled each month (each session is 1 hour long):

Company Billed Statements (CBS) Information Session and Demo – This session is recommended for UConn Pro-Card holders and their Preparer delegates and will go over the Pro-Card reconciliation process in Concur.

CBS – Tuesday, January 19th at 11:00 am
CBS – Monday, February 8th at 1:00 pm
CBS – Thursday, March 18th at 11:00 am
CBS – Wednesday, April 14th at 1:00 pm
CBS – Tuesday, May 4th at 11:00 am
CBS – Monday, June 4th at 1:00 pm

 Personal Car Mileage and Non-Travel Expense reports – This session is recommended for UConn Faculty, Staff and Students seeking reimbursement for UConn Business related expenses such as Personal Car mileage, Non-Travel expenses (such as virtual Conference registration fees) and out of pocket reimbursements in Concur.

Expense – Thursday, January 21st at 1:00 pm
Expense – Wednesday, February 10th at 11:00 am
Expense – Tuesday, March 16th at 1:00 pm
Expense – Monday, April 12th at 1:00 pm
Expense – Thursday, May 6th at 1:00 pm
Expense – Wednesday, June 16th at 11:00 am

As always, training documentation, videos, recordings of previous live training sessions, FAQs and other resources are available at .

If you have any questions, concerns or feedback please contact the UConn Travel Team at

UConn Travel Team