Concur Expenditure Type – Publishing Fees (From SPS)

Hello All!

At the last SPA meeting (4/21/21) we discussed Publication and Printing Costs.  At the time I had advised that for out of pocket reimbursements that the “Printing and Binding” expense type should be used as “Publication Fees” was not available.  I am writing to inform you that the  “Publication Fees” expense type is now available on both company billed statements and for out of pocket reimbursements.  Please do select this expense type for publication costs for documenting, preparing, publishing, disseminating, page and reprint charges.

Please let me know if you have any questions,



Jennifer Przybyszewski, MBA
Associate Director for Award Management and Accounting

Office of the Vice President for Research
University of Connecticut
Sponsored Program Services
438 Whitney Road Ext. Unit 1133
Storrs, CT 06269-1133
Phone: 860-486-4293