News and Announcements

Updated Fringe Benefit Rates (From Univ Research Adm Forum Listserv)

Dear Colleagues,

As announced by the President, new FY20 fringe rates (as a result of funding applied by UConn) have been approved by the Department of Health and Human Services although we do not yet have an updated signed rate agreement. The rates for FY20 and for proposal budgeting on the Office of the Vice President for Research Sponsored Program Services (SPS) website will be updated soon in accordance with this announcement. The Pre-Award Team will accept the old fringe rates on budgets that have already been submitted to SPS, all future budgets should use the new rates. If you would like to update a budget for a proposal that has already been submitted to Pre-Award but not yet submitted to the sponsor, please contact your Grant and Contract Specialist.

Additionally, please note that the required budget justification language regarding fringe benefits has been updated to the following:

“The fringe benefit rates used in the proposal budget are based on the rates approved by the Department of Health and Human Services. An estimated cost escalation has been included in the out years per University budgeting guidance.”


FY21 FY22 FY23 FY24 FY25
Faculty 43.0% 45.0% 46.0% 47.0% 48.0%
Professional/Classified 43.0% 48.1% 49.0% 50.0% 51.0%
Special Payroll 19.5% 21.9% 22.5% 23% 23.5%
Post Docs 15.5% 15.8% 16.3% 16.8% 17.3%
Graduate Assistant, Academic Yr 15.5% 15.8% 16.3% 16.8% 17.3%
Student Labor 2.4% 2.6% 3.0% 3.0% 3.0%


FY22 – FY25 rates shown are projected estimates for budgeting purposes only.

FY25 rates should remain flat for FY25 and later for budgeting purposes only.


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

 My proposal has already been submitted, will my project get to use these rates if funded?

Yes, in accordance with our standard process, the actual rate charged to your award will always be in accordance with the actual federally approved rate in place at the time of the charge, even if this varies from what was included in your proposal.


My proposal is due today and I don’t have time to update the budget, what does this mean?

If your proposal has already been submitted to SPS, you are not required to update your budget. If funded, you still receive the benefit of the FY21 rates (see previous response).


Will my current award be able to use the new rates?

Yes, your project will automatically use the FY21 rates.


My current award ends before July 1, 2020, will I get to use these rates?

No, the new rates are effective July 1, 2020 and only salary transactions that occur during FY21 will utilize the rates announced by the President.


Laura B. Kozma

Executive Director, Sponsored Program Services and Faculty Services


Office of the Vice President for Research

Sponsored Program Services

438 Whitney Road Extension

Unit 1133

STORRS, CT 06269

PHONE 860.486.3798


From: University Research Administrators Forum <UCRESADM-L@LISTSERV.UCONN.EDU> On Behalf Of Kozma, Laura
Sent: Thursday, December 26, 2019 10:57 AM
Subject: [UCRESADM-L] Updated Fringe Benefit Rates

SPS Closure (12/24) (From Univ Research Adm Forum Listserv)

Sponsored Program Services will be closed for regular business on Tuesday, December 24th and all business on Wednesday, December 25th. Please send all items with a hard deadline of 12/25 or earlier to SPS no later than Wednesday, December 18th, SPS will review and submit these items by close of business on Monday, December 23rd. If you become aware of other urgent deadlines after Wednesday (12/18), please inform your relevant contact at SPS immediately. If you require assistance on Tuesday, December 24th for something due on that day (12/24), please route your request to the appropriate email address to get emergency contact information during standard business hours:

Faculty Services:

SPS Pre-Award:

Contract Services:





Happy Holidays!


Laura B. Kozma

Executive Director, Sponsored Program Services and Faculty Services


From: University Research Administrators Forum <UCRESADM-L@LISTSERV.UCONN.EDU> On Behalf Of Kozma, Laura
Sent: Wednesday, December 11, 2019 5:00 PM
Subject: [UCRESADM-L] SPS Closure (12/24)

Payroll Encumbrances (From KFS Listserv)

Sent on behalf of the Office of Budget & Planning:

KFS – Payroll Encumbrances

There is one last issue to resolve with the payroll encumbrance files coming from CORE to KFS during this transition from position number to employee number.  Some employees (special payroll or regular faculty/staff) may currently appear over-encumbered. The regular staff will be back to normal by tomorrow morning. The special payroll employees will be fixed by mid-next week.


From: Kuali Financial System <KFS-L@LISTSERV.UCONN.EDU> On Behalf Of Wihbey, Kelly
Sent: Thursday, December 19, 2019 8:46 AM
Subject: Payroll Encumbrances

PageUp Tips and Updates (From Special Payroll Listserv)

Dear Colleagues,

As Human Resources continues to fine-tune PageUp to meet University needs, we write to provide some general tips and updates.

General Updates and Tips:

  • Human Resources is able to quickly update permissions within PageUp. HR is working to ensure all users’ permission groups are set appropriately. If you login to PageUp and are finding you cannot do what you are expecting to do, please contact HR Workforce Solutions at or 6-1753.
  • In many workflows, there is an approval level called “Org Head/Org Head Proxy.”  This approval level is typically at the department level, requiring the initiator to enter the department head’s name or a delegate’s name (which may be the initiator).
  • Faculty summer salary will be processed as a SmartHR transaction, not in PageUp. All other actions that would have been processed in Recruiting Solutions or SPAR, will now be processed in PageUp. Actions that we did not process in Recruiting Solutions or SPAR, such as gratis appointments or the continuation of an end-date employee, will not be processed in PageUp.
  • HR is creating and updating reports, and we will provide more information as more reports become available.
  • Help documents are available on the Human Resources website, which includes recently added workflows for the unclassified regular search, the unclassified audit process, and the special payroll process.

Regular Payroll

  • Every search requests requires an assigned workflow. The default workflow is “audit/waiver.”  If you mistakenly submit with “audit/waiver,” HR will cancel these searches, requiring initiators to re-submit with an appropriate workflow. (View Screenshot for Workflow Assignment)
  • The employee identified in the Department Feedback User field on the search request must enter pre- and post-interview evaluations.  Please contact Workforce Solutions at 6-1753 if you need the Department Feedback User field updated. (View Screenshot for Department Feedback User)
  • When entering pre- and post-interview evaluations, ensure that applicant statuses (Interview, Qualified, Unqualified) are selected first.
  • When entering pre- and post-interview evaluations, ensure that every applicant has the word “Reviewed” next to each applicant, including interview candidates where no additional remarks are included. (View Screenshot for Pre- and Post-Interview Evaluations)
  • PageUp does not restrict users from taking recruitment actions prior to receiving appropriate approvals. Nevertheless, the University expects users to consistently and conscientiously follow business processes. For instance, users must wait until their hiring departments has received hire request approval from all approvers in the workflow prior to taking the action to “Make Online Offer.”

Special Payroll

  • The first step for any special payroll hire is to send the candidate the link to apply (View Screenshot for Location of Special Payroll Application Link).  It does not matter whether it is a new hire, renewal, or data change.  The candidate must have a profile in PageUp.
  • HR has done the set-up so hiring departments do not need to create any “searches” in PageUp. Any special payroll “searches” created by departments will be cancelled.
  • PageUp does not restrict users from taking recruitment actions prior to receiving appropriate approvals. Nevertheless, the University expects users to consistently and conscientiously follow business processes. For instance, users must wait until their hiring departments has received hire request approval from all approvers in the workflow prior to taking the action to “Make Online Offer.”


From: Special Payroll Information <SPECIAL_PAYROLL-L@LISTSERV.UCONN.EDU> On Behalf Of HR – Workforce
Sent: Tuesday, December 10, 2019 9:39 AM
Subject: PageUp Tips and Updates

PageUp is Live (From Daily Digest)

Human Resources has transitioned to PageUp, our new recruitment and onboarding system. PageUp is now live for applicants and the University community. Human Resources transferred all active searches into PageUp, including applicant materials (applicants need not reapply).

Applicants may search for jobs via and University users may reach the PageUp dashboard via

Questions may be directed to or 860-486-1753.

Sign up for PageUp training via Learning@Work:

Regular Payroll

Special Payroll

Open Lab Sessions, where employees may drop in without registration to receive assistance or to ask questions about an ongoing search or the system, will be held from 8:30 – 11 am in Wilbur Cross Training Room A on the following days:

  • Thursday, 12/5
  • Friday, 12/6
  • Tuesday, 12/10
  • Friday, 12/13
  • Monday, 12/16
  • Thursday, 12/19

For more information, contact: Human Resources at

Source Link:


Important Concur Travel and Expense Project Update (From Daily Digest)

Dear Campus Community,

We are providing you with an important update regarding the Concur Travel and Expense project.  The members of the project team have been working hard over the last year to ensure the new travel system is customer friendly, intuitive, efficient, and stable.  There has also been extensive work with Key Travel, our new travel management company, to ensure the level of customer service experience delivered to UConn travelers is of high quality.  A pilot program for Concur was launched on October 15, 2019 for seven different areas across our Storrs and Regional campuses.  The objective of this pilot was to garner feedback from actual travel program users and then incorporate their feedback into the system prior to rolling out Concur to the campus community.

Since the pilot go-live, we have received a lot of helpful, concise, and constructive feedback from our dedicated pilot participants, as well as from leaders throughout the campus.  This feedback included suggestions for extending the adoption period of our new program ahead of University-wide go-live.  This recommended extension will allow for additional training sessions and formats, as well as, open forums to address questions from the campus community as we trend toward go-live.

After listening to and considering the received feedback, which has now been incorporated into a revised project plan, it has been decided to have a phased roll out of Concur, with the final roll out planned for  March 10, 2020.  This timing better aligns with the academic calendar, and the time demands of faculty and support units.

Prior to the final rollout, divisions including University Business Services (UBS), Controller, Budget & Institutional Research, Public Safety, Human Resources, Facilities Operations, and University Planning, Design, and Construction (UPDC), will join the current pilot participants as early adopters of this system on January 22, 2020. Please be on the lookout for additional communications regarding trainings, town halls, and open labs to support the University faculty and staff during this transition. If you have any questions, please email

We thank you for your feedback and continued support as the University deploys this exciting new Travel Program!

Matt Larson, Charlie Eaton, and Ngozi Taffe

Source Link:

Upcoming System Changes – Position Numbers (From KFS Listserv)

Sent on behalf of the Office of Budget & Planning:

Upcoming System Changes – Position Numbers

As the University prepares to transition to a new recruitment and onboarding system through PageUp People, there is an important business process change that will occur: UConn assigned position numbers will no longer be used or tracked.

Note: The classified employee population (protective service, maintenance, social service and clerical unions) will continue to retain CORE position numbers generated from the State system, as always.

The change will be visible in a few different systems:

Recruiting – PageUp

  • You will no longer need to choose a position number to begin the recruiting process.
  • More detail on the recruiting system process will be available in training, open labs, etc.  Please refer to the Daily Digest for additional information on the Page Up transition or contact Human Resources at

Financial – KFS

  • All payroll expenditure and encumbrance files that feed into KFS will have the employee number value in the position number field (similar to the process in KFS prior to FY2016).
  • This change takes effect during Pay Period Ending 11/21/19. Encumbrance updates will occur the week of 11/25 and the first payroll expense will hit the week of 12/2.
  • For this Fiscal Year only, due to the timing of the transition, the KFS Account Status (Current Funds) inquiry screen will display the YTD actual pay split by position number (pre-transition) and employee number (post-transition).

Budget Construction

  • No vacancies will be loaded into Budget Construction. As always, users may add new vacancies manually with “TBA” placeholder positions. For refills, users can budget the refilled salary on the incumbent employee’s line.


  • There is no change to the .pdf and .html versions of the Filled Position Detail and Summary reports as they did not contain position number.  The position number field will be removed from the excel version of the reports but it will remain as a field in the data star.
  • We recommend running any self-created detailed payroll reports by employee number.

      If you have any further questions regarding the change within KFS, please contact your assigned budget analyst.


      From: Kuali Financial System <KFS-L@LISTSERV.UCONN.EDU> On Behalf Of Pavone, Annette
      Sent: Wednesday, November 20, 2019 3:52 PM
      Subject: Upcoming System Changes – Position Numbers

      PageUp: Transition and Training (From Daily Digest)

      PageUp: Transition and Training

      On December 2, Human Resources will transition from Recruiting Solutions and SPAR to PageUp People, a new recruitment and onboarding system. PageUp is a cloud-based applicant tracking system that will modernize UConn’s recruitment and onboarding capabilities.

      Business Process

      PageUp will impact the University’s current business processes by allowing for the creation and dissemination of online offer letters; integrating SPAR into PageUp; eliminating unclassified position management and the processing of faculty summer payroll within a recruitment system; using online applications for special payroll appointments, including adjunct faculty; maintaining a centrally-managed approval workflow; launching a central onboarding program for new employees; and integrating regular and special payroll SmartHR hire templates in Core-CT.


      Human Resources has plans to transition both Recruiting Solutions and SPAR requisitions and transactions to PageUp.

      For Recruiting Solutions, all open requisitions will be transitioned to Page Up regardless of the search status. Applicants who have applied to open searches will also be moved to Page Up and attached to the appropriate requisitions. Starting November 25th, Recruiting Solutions will not be available to users post PageUp go-live, but will be available to Human Resources. There will be no interruption to faculty applying to open searches through Academic Jobs Online; there will be a moratorium on applying for staff positions during the week of November 25th.

      For SPAR, transactions processed prior to PageUp go-live will be closed-out in SPAR. SPAR will remain available to end-users post PageUp go-live. Beginning December 2nd, SPAR transactions will be submitted and processed through PageUp.

      Training & Support

      Human Resources will host training sessions for Regular and Special Payrolls through February. (Select “find more classes” at the bottom of the page to reveal all available training sessions.)

      In addition, Human Resources will hold “open” lab sessions immediately after go-live and through December. Employees will be able to drop in without registration to receive assistance or to ask questions about an ongoing search or the system.

      Human Resources will also provide online tutorials and job aids upon go-live. Employees may contact Human Resources directly by phone at 860-486-1753 or email with PageUp questions.

      For more information, contact: Human Resources at

      University Travel Program Update (From Daily Digest)

      To UConn faculty, staff and employees:

      We want to provide you with a further update on the changes occurring to the University’s Travel Program. You will recall we sent out a message in June announcing: 1) Key Travel will be our new travel management partner; 2) a Travel Card program will be established; 3) We will begin the use of Concur, a travel and expense management system.

      Please note that this update is for the Storrs, Law and regional campuses only.

      This past October 15, Key Travel, Travel Cards and Concur began being piloted with certain users.    The pilot group consists of the following departments: School of Business, Office of Admissions, Division of Athletics, Information Technology Services, and Departments of Statistics, History, and Ecology and Evolutionary Biology in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences.

      Full implementation of Key Travel, Travel Cards and Concur will occur across all UConn campuses and become effective for all employees on December 4.  Training materials, project communications, resources and answers to FAQs are available on the UConn Concur Project website.

      As we transition, we want to remind everyone of important changes for your travel planning.   Pre-approval is now required for all international travel and for domestic travel that contains airfare, rail, hotel and/or car rentals.   This approval must be provided by an employee’s next level supervisor and fiscal officer within Concur.   Without pre-approval, travelers may not be reimbursed for their expenses.

      Next level supervisors, (as defined by HR Core CT), can delegate only to those with similar supervisory status and defined as Approvers.   Fiscal officers are designated within their departments and associated with specific funding accounts.  These newer distinctions help ensure the traveler has the proper administrative approval, as well as the financial support to do so.

      Finally, we thank all those who have put in the hard work and dedication with this important initiative.  Your assistance and contributions have helped transform our Travel Program. These advancements will help us reach our goals in the area of compliance, transparency and providing a more efficient and customer centric travel experience.    Please contact our Procurement Solutions Support Team at 860-486-2289 regarding any travel questions you may have.



      Scott Jordan

      Executive Vice President for Administration and Chief Financial Officer


      John Elliott

      Interim Provost

      For more information, contact: Office of Travel Services at

      Link to Daily Digest:

      Tracking Special Payroll Return Retirees in HR Systems

      Beginning immediately, the University will use a new Employee Classification value when employing State of CT retirees into a Special Payroll appointment.


      Smart HR processors should choose “CU- Contractual/University” in the Employee Classification field on the Smart HR template(s). The University will no longer use the “SA-Special Appointment Higher Ed” value when employing return retirees.


      The implementation of PageUp, which will incorporate Special Payroll hiring, will also use the Employee Classification value of “CU” for return retirees.


      Please contact  if you have any questions about this new process.


      From: Special Payroll Information <SPECIAL_PAYROLL-L@LISTSERV.UCONN.EDU> On Behalf Of HR – Communications
      Sent: Tuesday, November 5, 2019 8:48 AM
      Subject: Tracking Special Payroll Return Retirees in HR Systems