Author: Lunt, Winnie

Updated Link: Rehiring Employees: Training Sessions (PageUp)


An updated Learning@Work link has been provided (see here or below).

Thank you.


From: HR – Communications
Sent: Tuesday, June 9, 2020 11:40 AM
Subject: Rehiring Employees: Training Sessions

Dear Colleagues,

As University departments begin rehiring special payroll employees for the first time through PageUp, HR will host training sessions on:

  • Friday, June 12th from 9-10am.
  • Monday, June 15th from 2-3pm.
  • Wednesday, June 17th from 10-11am.
  • Friday, June 18th from 2-3 pm.

The training session will outline how to rehire special payroll employees, promoting a smoother process for departments and processors. We encourage all users who will be rehiring employees via PageUp to attend a training session, as we believe it will provide pertinent clarifications.

Please visit Learning@Work to sign up for the virtual session. To view all classes, select find more classes at the bottom of the page.  HR will send the WebEx information the day before your session.


Thank you,
Human Resources

FY21 – New payroll object code (From KFS Listserv)

Sent on behalf of the Office of Budget & Planning:


 FY21 – New KFS Object Codes for Adjunct Faculty Compensation and Fringe


In order to assist with financial analysis and reporting, object codes 5233 (Payroll – Adjunct Faculty) and 5633 (Fringe Benefits – Adjunct Faculty) have been added for use beginning in FY21.


Effective FY21 the following special payroll object codes will be used:  

All adjunct faculty will automatically be assigned to the new object code in CORE based on their job code. Standard reports will be adjusted to include these new object codes, however users should adjust their own custom reports as needed. 

Foundation Fiscal Year-End Memo (From Foundation)

Attachment: Fiscal Year-end memo

I hope this message finds you and your families healthy during this trying time.

Please read the attached memo regarding year-end processing for Foundation gifts and disbursements.

Please contact Ed Liedke with disbursement questions or Bonnie Burleigh for gift questions.  Our e-mails are and

Be well!


Edward Liedke
Director of Fund Administration
And Disbursements
Phone:  860-486-2006
2390 Alumni Dr. U-3206
Storrs, CT 06269

June Guidance on Issuing GA Appointments (From HR and Grad School)

Dear Colleagues,

In April, HR and the Graduate School provided guidance on issuing summer GA appointments. In the April 22nd guidance, HR required that departments provide confirmation of critical research, telecommuting, or available funding in case the work could not be performed by the GA.

Effective immediately, HR is no longer requiring such confirmation and will approve all pending requests in its queue over the next few days. Departments, however, remain responsible for funding summer GA appointments after the offer is accepted and in the case that the GA is unable to perform the work on campus or remotely. Departments should remain cognizant of this before issuing offers.

Additionally, if departments are not confident that funding for fall or 2020/2021 academic year appointments will be available for the appointment term, please know that the June 15th deadline may be relaxed this year due to the current health situation.

Please direct questions to

Thank you,

Christopher Delello, Chief Human Resources Officer
Kent Holsinger, Vice Provost and Dean of the Graduate School


From: HR – Communications
Sent: Tuesday, April 7, 2020
Subject: Guidance on Issuing GA Appointments

Dear Colleagues,

We write with guidance on the issuing of fall and summer Graduate Assistant appointments.


As you are aware, the GEU-UAW Contract requires the University to notify incoming students by April 1st and continuing students by June 15th of their fall or academic year Graduate Assistant appointments. Once accepted, the University is obligated to fulfill the terms of the appointment, regardless of whether the current pandemic will still be affecting University operations and the ability of Graduate Assistants to perform their duties.

Although the April 1st deadline has passed, the June 15th deadline has not. Therefore, we recommend that departments use caution in making GA offers that would become effective next fall. This recommendation is especially applicable for appointments where the duties of a Graduate Assistant prevents them from working remotely, such as some Research Assistants. In most instances, Teaching Assistants would be able to teach remotely in the fall. If the June 15th deadline is approaching and you are uncertain whether a returning GA will be able to work remotely, please contact Labor Relations. As always, we recommend that departments communicate with potential GAs to help them understand the status of a potential reappointment.


Additionally, the GEU-UAW Contract requires the University to notify students of appointments at least 14 days prior to the beginning of the work assignment for summer appointments, and likewise, the University is also obligated to fulfill the terms of these appointments. Therefore, the University recommends that departments refrain from notifying students of graduate assistant appointment letters related to research for the summer, unless departments and faculty are certain that work can be performed via telecommuting. Human Resources will not process approvals for Summer GA Research appointments in PageUp, unless departments contact us confirming that telecommuting will be possible.

We will share more information as the situation develops. Please direct any questions or concerns to


Christopher Delello, Chief Human Resources Officer

Kent Holsinger, Vice Provost and Dean of the Graduate School

Reminder: Coding Expenses Associated with Coronavirus; IAA document (From Accounting)

Attachment: Coding Expenses Associated with Coronavirus_3.13.2020

Sent on behalf of Trish Casey, Associate Vice President of Financial Operations and Controller:

As a reminder, expenses relating to the Coronavirus should be coded using Project Code COVID19. Please see the attached document for more details.

For transactions that have already posted to the general ledger that should have had the COVID19 project code, please submit an Intra-Account Adjustment (IAA) eDoc in KFS.

Instructions on how to complete an IAA:

On the IAA eDoc, the FROM side of the transaction represents how an expense is currently recorded; the TO side of the transaction will include the Project Code COVID19.

For negative expenses (credits), the TO and FROM sides should be reversed.

The Reference Number should be the eDoc number of the existing transaction.

For questions on completing the IAA, please contact Annette Pavone (


Thank you,

Annette Pavone, CPA
Accounting Manager, Inventory Control & Capitalization
Accounting Office
University of Connecticut
343 Mansfield Road
Storrs, CT 06269-1074
Phone (860) 486-2934

Reminder: Coding Expenses Associated with Coronavirus (From KFS Listserv)

Attached document: Coding Expenses Associated with Coronavirus_3.13.2020

Sent on behalf of Trish Casey, Associate Vice President of Financial Operations and Controller:

As a reminder, expenses relating to the Coronavirus should be coded using Project Code COVID19. Please see the attached document for more details.


Thank you,

Annette Pavone, CPA
Accounting Manager, Inventory Control & Capitalization
Accounting Office
University of Connecticut
343 Mansfield Road
Storrs, CT 06269-1074
Phone (860) 486-2934

University Travel Policy Revisions Approved by BOT (From Daily Digest)

The University Travel policy has recently been updated.  These updates were approved by the Board of Trustees and are effective as of April 29, 2020.  The revisions to the policy were necessary to provide clarity, consistency of best practices with peer and aspirant schools, compliance with all applicable laws and regulations, and reimbursement for only reasonable and necessary expenses to accomplish the official business purpose of the trip.  Travelers are responsible for adherence to this policy. 

The new policy is available here in full:

A high level overview of the most important changes can be found here:

For more information, contact: Travel Team at

Year end reallocation of Pro-Card (From Procard Listserv)

This email only applies to Cardholders, Record Managers and Fiscal Officers that have PCard transactions that have not been reallocated and approved. 

 Good Afternoon:

Reminder: The end of the fiscal year  2020 is fast approaching and there are many outstanding Pro-Card (PCDO) e-docs that need to be reallocated.  In some cases the PCDO e-docs have been reallocated but they are in the action list of the Fiscal Officer for approval.  Please make time to review your action lists in KFS to ensure that all your PCard e-docs have been reallocated and approved.   This MUST be done prior to the new fiscal year.  You do not need to wait for your statement to reallocate charges.  All transactions that need to be reallocated will be in your action list.

All Procard transactions with a Post date of June 15th and earlier must be reallocated and approved by the fiscal officer by June 30th.

 Cardholders – Please check your action list.  You will get an FYI each time a Pro-card transaction posts to your account.  Be sure to notify your reconciler with appropriate receipts and accounting information so they can reallocate your transaction.

 Reconcilers – Please check your action lists for any outstanding charges that need to be reallocated.   Please remember that the charge is not completely reallocated until your fiscal officer approves the e-doc.

Fiscal Officers – Please check your action lists for any PCDO’s that have been reallocated that are waiting for your approval.


Please let me know if you have any questions.

Thank you in advance for your attention to this matter!


From: Procard Users <PROCARD-L@LISTSERV.UCONN.EDU> On Behalf Of Patrylak, Nancy
Sent: Tuesday, May 5, 2020 2:01 PM
Subject: Year end reallocation of Pro-Card

SPAR Updates and Adjunct Rates (From HR)

Dear Colleagues,

We write to share several Special Payroll updates.

Cancelling and Updating Special Payroll Hire Requests

Human Resources has developed workflows to help departments navigate updating or cancelling Special Payroll hire requests.  For example, departments may need to update a hire request when the submitted request has an incorrect end date or compensation amount. Workflows to update or cancel hire requests are available on the PageUp Help Documents website.

Duplicative Hires from the Same Search
It is important to remember that only a single hire request can be submitted for a candidate within the same search at once.  Departments should move a candidate’s status from “Hired” to “New Request” once the first hire is complete to start the next hire request. Here is an illustrative example: A department wants to hire John Smith as an Instructional Specialist and an Academic Technician. First, submit the request to hire John as the Instructional Specialist. Then, when John’s status has returned to “Hired,” update John’s status to “New Request,” and then create a new request to hire John as the Academic Technician.

Fall 2020 Adjunct Rates
Fall 2020 adjunct rates are now available on the HR website and below. Hire requests for Fall 2020 adjuncts should be submitted in PageUp by May 29th.

Effective August 23, 2020, per AAUP Contract article 19.7, there is a new Adjunct Faculty per credit minimum rate, $1,732 per credit. For adjuncts with more than two academic years of continuous employment, the minimum remuneration shall be a 2% increase.

Credits Stipend (Minimum) 2% Increase (Minimum)
1 $1,732.00 $1,766.64
2 $3,464.00 $3,533.28
3 $5,196.00 $5,299.92
4 $6,928.00 $7,066.56

Help Desk Support

Questions regarding Special Payroll should be directed to Questions regarding PageUp processing should be directed to


From: Special Payroll Information <SPECIAL_PAYROLL-L@LISTSERV.UCONN.EDU> On Behalf Of HR – Communications
Sent: Friday, April 24, 2020 8:18 AM
Subject: SPAR Updates and Adjunct Rates

Concur Go-Live

Dear Colleagues,

We are writing to announce the official University go-live of the Concur Travel and Expense system.

As of April 22, 2020, all employees (including graduate assistants, graduate interns, and post-docs) should utilize Concur and Key Travel to book, request, and expense travel.  There is a detailed overview of this transition (cutover plan) on the Travel Website, including how you should handle travel that began before 4/22, the requirements for pre-approval for travel booked prior to 4/22, and how to utilize your Unused Ticket Credits with Sanditz.

If you have not yet applied for a University Travel Card, it is recommended that you do so as it will contribute to a more seamless travel experience.  To obtain a Travel Card you must complete the required training and then submit an application for approval.  Once the application is approved, it will take 7 – 10 business days for you to receive the card.  Because faculty and staff are working remotely due to COVID-19, travel Cards will be mailed to the home address you provide on your application.

We understand that employees are not currently travelling, but we are continuing to offer on-going support through training opportunities, the University Business Solutions Help Desk, and  For more information, please visit

As this portion of the Travel and Expense project completes, we still have additional work to do.  In the coming months, you will see more communication regarding student and guest travel, duty of care for our University travelers, and using the Concur platform for your Pro-Card reconciliations.  Until such time, those activities will continue through Sanditz and/or KFS.

We would like to thank the project team, pilot participants, early adopters, and many other University constituents who provided valuable insight, feedback, ideas, and effort over the course of this project.  As always, please reach out with any comments, questions, or concerns.


Trish Casey, CPA                                                                                                       
Associate Vice President, Financial Operations and Controller

John Clifford, Ph. D
University Director of Procurement Services

Gregory Daniels, J.D.
Interim Associate Vice President of UBS and Chief Procurement Officer

Michael Mundrane, Ph. D
Vice President for Information Technology and Chief Information Officer


From: All UConn Employees and Graduate Students <UCONN_EMPLOYEES-L@LISTSERV.UCONN.EDU> On Behalf Of Mundrane, Michael
Sent: Tuesday, April 21, 2020 7:52 PM
Subject: [UCONN_EMPLOYEES-L] Concur Go-Live