News and Announcements

HUSKYBUY BROADCAST – Temporary Home Shipping Option

Due to the need to keep specific University areas functioning, as a temporary measure critical purchases related to the furthering of education and research only can be shipped directly to other in-state (CT) locations (e.g. home) through HuskyBuy. When a CT off campus address is used, requisitions will come to Procurement for final approval, regardless of dollar amount or contract vendor. If the employee of the “ship-to” address wishes not to list their personal address, please list your local USPS, FedEx, or UPS location for “pick-up.” When purchasing items with a ProCard, items must be shipped to a UConn address and NOT to other locations (e.g. home).

Arrangements should be made to pick up items at your department first.  Arrangements can be made to be delivered to the Warehouse only if no other delivery option is available. Regardless of delivery location, the University retains ownership of all items purchased on your ProCard or through HuskyBuy and may require tagging at a later time.  Be prepared for the inventory/capitalization staff to reach out for serial numbers and other pertinent information for purchases of capital and controllable property delivered to a location outside of UConn.

For items requiring special handling such as temperature sensitive items, delivery direct to your location at the University is preferred.  Chemicals and hazardous products do not qualify for this exception, continue to follow standard University procedures for Chemical orders.  If you have questions related to lab supply orders including Chemicals, contact Kathleen Kearney (

Please note that not all of our catalog suppliers support this use of ad-hoc shipping addresses, namely Office Depot. WB Mason should be used for office supplies shipped to home addresses. The FO of each account remains responsible for approval of the purchase under existing procurement guidelines for education and research requirements.

As a public university and agency of the State of Connecticut, the University draws funding from a wide range of sources including students, taxpayers and benefactors.  The University has an obligation to these constituencies to use its funds prudently in pursuit of its mission and goals.  All uses of University Funds, therefore, must be directly related to University business and in the best interests of the University.

Please click here for instructions on how to input your home address in HuskyBuy.

Please contact John Clifford PhD at if you have any questions, issues, or concerns.


From: Procurement Solutions Center <>
Sent: Friday, March 20, 2020 4:49 PM
Subject: HUSKYBUY BROADCAST – Temporary Home Shipping Option

Coding of Coronavirus Expenses in Concur, Husky Buy and KFS

Coding of Coronavirus Expenses in Concur, Husky Buy and KFS

Over the next several weeks UConn will be incurring unusual expenses attributable to Coronavirus. It is important that departments add additional identifiers to Travel, e-docs, Requisitions, and Purchase Orders for these expenses directly associated with the prevention of COVID-19. Some of the types of expenses that we would consider to be unusual:

  1. Non-refundable Travel Costs because of Coronavirus
  2. Purchasing of equipment to work remotely (Computers, cables, iPads, etc.)
  3. Purchase of office and research supplies as a result of Coronavirus
  4. Purchase of additional cleaning materials to clean offices, bathrooms, doors, etc.
  5. Additional services needed from UConn vendors for facility services and housekeeping

This list is not all inclusive and ask yourself if the expense you are incurring is a normal expense or because of the current situation with Coronavirus.

Please follow these instructions when coding your expenses:


In Concur, add the following identifier COVID19 to this field:

Husky Buy:

In Husky Buy, add the following identifier COVID19 to this field:

Kuali Financial Systems:

In KFS, add the following identifier COVID19 to this field:

For items purchased and already posted to KFS:

If you have already purchased an item or service related to COVID-19 and it has posted to KFS, please complete an IAA (Intra-Account Adjustment) edoc to update the Project field.

Need additional help? We are here to help you:

Kuali Financial Systems – KFS
Lori-Anne Hansen – Associate Controller

Husky Buy
Nancy Patrylak – Procurement Manager

Concur – Travel
Dan Warren – Director

Source Link:

HUSKYBUY BROADCAST – Laptop Purchases and Rentals (From Procurement)

Laptop Purchases and Rentals

Procurement is in contact with our laptop suppliers and indicate they have limited stock. We ask that you contact them before you order to confirm availability and place the order as a punch-out from the following vendors:

  • Connection
  • Dell
  • Apple
  • CDW-G
  • SHI (non-catalog)

Rentals can be made using a non-catalog requisition from:

ITS is currently working on a website with links to all telecommuting tools. It will be accessible from the ITS website as well as the tech support web site.

For rentals, you will need to contact the vendor to obtain availability and price. Clearly state on the requisition it is a “rental” and number of months expected.

We will continue to add other vendors when needed. You are also welcome to contact other vendors on your own and advise them you will be purchasing on a purchase order. Procard policy regarding laptops has not changed.  The Procard cannot be used for the purchase or rental of laptops.

Note: Laptops used from home do not require the UConn image.

Please contact me via email if you experience any issues.

John Clifford, PhD
University Director of Procurement Services

Procurement Solutions Center, UBS


From: Procurement Solutions Center <>
Sent: Thursday, March 12, 2020 12:01 PM
Subject: HUSKYBUY BROADCAST – Laptop Purchases and Rentals

COVID-19 Academic Event and Faculty Travel Approval (From Provost Office)

A message from the Office of the Provost


Dear Council of Deans and Assistants:

In an effort to streamline our process of communicating approvals or policy updates in relation to academic events and faculty travel, we have created a new online form. This should provide us with all the information we need to track events and travel and to communicate with staff and faculty in a timely manner about any events or travel plans that they submit for approval.

The link can be accessed here:

If you have individual faculty traveling who would like an exemption from the Provost’s Office to give them permission to travel, they should fill out this form. However, we do strongly encourage them to consider remote options and/or postponement if at all possible.

As this situation has evolved, we have been working to create a better process to gather the information we need so that we can provide up-to-date information as and when guidelines are updated. Thank you for working with us to help make sure we have all the details we need to communicate effectively in relation to academic events and travel.


Best regards,

Jeffrey Shoulson


Jeffrey Shoulson, Ph.D.

Vice Provost for Academic Operations

Professor of Literatures, Cultures, and Languages

Professor of English

University of Connecticut

352 Mansfield Road, Unit 1086

Storrs, CT 06268-1086

[UCONN_OFFICIAL_ANNOUNCEMENTS-L] UConn Coronavirus Daily Update for 3-10-20

To the University Community:

Given the quickly changing nature of the COVID-19 outbreak and the need to communicate with multiple audiences, the university is going to begin sending a daily update with all new coronavirus-related messages to the UConn community. This will centralize communications in one place and reduce the number of overlapping, stand-alone messages that the UConn community will receive.

CURRENT STATUS: All students, faculty and staff need to register all international travel, if you have not already. Out-of-state travel on university business is suspended. As of today, planned events and gatherings that include more than 100 people can continue as planned. This includes on-campus conferences, meetings, performances, athletic events and other gatherings. Should this guidance change, the university will communicate that change to the campus community.

Please click the READ MORE links to see the full messages, below.

CRITICAL MESSAGE FOR ALL FACULTY: While a decision to suspend on-campus operations has not been made at this time, in light of the COVID-19 virus, all faculty must begin preparing now in the event UConn chooses to transition to remote teaching online after Spring Break. Faculty should have plans in place, based on guidance below, to make that transition as soon as March 23. This is to ensure a smooth and seamless transition for all courses, should the university make this choice in the near future in the best interests of public health. Faculty should also get in the habit of taking their laptops home every night to prepare for the possibility of a short-notice decision to restrict access to campus. READ MORE.

CRITICAL MESSAGE FOR ALL STUDENTS: The COVID-19 pandemic will come to the state of Connecticut and it will likely directly impact UConn. In that case, we are prepared for the possibility of moving classes to an online-only format and having students return home when possible. This has already occurred at some universities in the country. It is strongly recommended that students bring along all necessary academic materials (textbooks, laptop, notes, etc.) during the Spring Break period in case the decision is made to not return to in-class instruction.  Should the university determine that instruction will be offered online, students may not have the ability to return to the residence halls. READ MORE.

[UCONN_EMPLOYEES-L] Updated Travel Guidance; University-Sponsored Travel Outside of Connecticut is Suspended

To the UConn Community:

Earlier today, Governor Lamont sent executive branch agency heads a directive designed to help prevent and delay COVID-19 in Connecticut, including freezing employee travel on state business.

University-Sponsored Travel Outside of Connecticut is Suspended: Though not an executive branch agency, UConn wishes to act in keeping with the governor’s goals. Effective immediately, all domestic and international, university-sponsored travel outside of the state by faculty and staff is suspended until further notice.  Any exception needs to be approved by university leadership.

Requests for Travel Exceptions: If you believe an exception should be made for your planned travel, please make a request in writing to the appropriate operational leadership office to whom you report, meaning the President (for units that report directly to the President’s office), Provost, Executive Vice President for Administration/CFO, or the CEO of UConn Health. Each request will be evaluated and a response will be provided.

Travel Updates:  In consultation with the Governor’s office, the university may determine what is or is not essential employee travel and will provide you with any updates.

Campus Events: Organizers of events on any of our campuses being attended by out-of-state travelers must continue to consult with the Provost’s office (if the event as academic in nature, including the regional campuses and the schools in Farmington) or the EVP for Administration’s office (if the event is non-academic in nature) to determine if any modifications are needed. This requirement applies to all events sponsored by the University, including schools, colleges, departments as well as employee-sponsored or student-sponsored events.

On-campus activities such as athletic events and fine arts performances can continue as scheduled. If anything changes or if modifications are needed, new guidance will be shared immediately.

Please also continue to consult UConn’s coronavirus information page for resources and guidance on these issues and related topics.


From: University Communications <>
Date: March 9, 2020 at 6:50:36 PM EDT
Subject: [UCONN_EMPLOYEES-L] Updated Travel Guidance; University-Sponsored Travel Outside of Connecticut is Suspended

Coronavirus Monitoring Update: Travel Registration and New Travel Restrictions (Official Announcement)

To the UConn Community:

It is critical that all students and employees read the message below related to travel registration and new travel restrictions as there may be actions you need to take in response.

As the university continues to monitor the spread of COVID-19, or coronavirus, across the globe, we are taking steps to help improve our informational awareness and reduce the risk to our community.


Travel Registration

The university is asking all faculty, staff, students and affiliates to inform UConn of your recent or planned international travel.

The nations that are categorized by the CDC as being safe or unsafe to travel to due to coronavirus can change quickly. Because of this, the university needs to keep track of all planned international travel by members of the UConn community.

If you have returned from foreign travel in the last 14 days or you plan to travel outside of the U.S. in the next 90 days, please fill out this form. This includes both your UConn-sponsored travel as well as your own personal travel. The information you provide will be sent to UConn’s Office of Global Affairs. After submitting the form, you may be contacted directly by UConn staff if there are specific actions you need to take or if there is information you need to be aware of related to your travel.

Note that you need your Net ID and password to complete the form. There may be employees at UConn Health who do not use their Net ID regularly and may not know what it is. If that is the case, please click here and follow the instructions.

New Travel Restrictions & Guidance 

Due to the continued spread of coronavirus globally and domestically, effective immediately, UConn is implementing new travel restrictions and providing additional guidance for all travel for faculty, staff and students:

  • All university-sponsored travel by employees and students to Level 3 and Level 2 nations as determined by the CDC is suspended. Previously, UConn had barred official travel to Level 3 nations only. The university is now extending this ban to Level 2 nations as well. Any student or employee who travels to a Level 2 or Level 3 nation must self-quarantine upon their return to the U.S. As of this moment, that means China, South Korea, Iran, Italy, and Japan.
  • All planned international university-related student group travel is postponed including during Spring Break. Students traveling individually during Spring Break should take seriously the risks associated with international travel at the present time; a nation that is not now classified as a Level 2 or Level 3 country could be designated as such without notice and a 14-day self-quarantine period may be required upon your return to the U.S. The university urges students to exercise great caution when making any travel choices.
  • All faculty, staff and students are strongly encouraged to cancel or postpone all non-essential foreign and domestic travel at this time, including both professional and personal.
  • Faculty or staff planning on-campus academic events such as conferences, symposia, etc., that require groups of participants to travel to Connecticut from elsewhere in the U.S. or internationally should consult with the Provost’s Office on whether or not your event should proceed as planned.
  • Staff who are planning non-academic events that require groups of participants to travel to Connecticut from elsewhere in the U.S. or internationally should consult with the office of the Executive Vice President for Administration on whether or not your event should proceed as planned.

Any faculty or staff member planning such an event should immediately review any contracts or agreements in place to determine whether there are associated cancellation fees.  Most agreements contain provisions permitting termination without charge if sufficient advance notice is provided.  Please contact the Purchasing Department if you have questions.

The coronavirus situation continues to rapidly evolve; because of this, travel restrictions and guidance may also continue to change very quickly.

If you have questions related to university-related foreign or domestic travel, please contact Global Affairs:

Phone:  (860) 486-5022

Later today, UConn Human Resources will send a message to all employees that will address various issues and questions that UConn’s coronavirus-related travel guidance and policies will generate.

As a reminder, here is UConn’s main coronavirus page; here is UConn Health’s page.

March Reminders and Tips from AR (From Daily Digest)

Do you/your department invoice for goods and/or services?  If so, The Accounts Receivable (AR) in the Bursar’s Office is offering assistance and trainings!

Trainings are currently available for:

  • Invoicing (including UConn Health)
  • Credit memos
  • Creating customers
  • Collecting on past-due accounts

Quick tip: Did you know that invoices are not automatically sent to customers?  Each department is responsible for sending their customers their own invoices.  One upside to departmental billing is that it allows departments to build contact lists and keep close relationships with their customer.  Customers with a direct UConn relationship more frequently pay on time, too!

For more information, email or call 860-486-5995 (6-5995 on campus).

For more information, contact: Accounts Receivable at


Source Link:

Career Paths and PageUp (From Daily Digest)

We write to share some updates on the integration of Career Paths into PageUp.

New Searches

Effective March 2nd, Human Resources will use Career Paths Job Titles, and the associated Salary Bands, for new searches in PageUp. To identify a correct Job Template in Career Paths, we encourage Hiring Departments to consider the essential duties, responsibilities, and components of a job. From there, Hiring Departments should select the appropriate Occupational Group, Job Family, Job Path, and Job Template. This process ensures that Hiring Departments select the correct Job Template based on the work requirements and expectations. Workforce Solutions is available to assist Hiring Departments in the selection of Job Templates. In addition, Hiring Departments should contact their Workforce Solutions specialist to discuss the inclusion of education and experience equivalencies, if needed. As always, equivalencies must be included explicitly in the Job Advertisement in order to assess candidates against them.

Searches in Progress

Over the next two weeks, Human Resources will convert searches in progress from the Legacy UCPEA Classification System to Career Paths, assessing and mapping the job and applying the Career Paths Salary Bands. HR will notify hiring departments when the conversion for their job is complete.

Recently Hired

Human Resources will inform recently hired employees of their mapping in Career Paths on an on-going basis. Employees mapped into Career Paths with their salary below the minimum will be brought up the minimum, effective the date of hire.

For more information, contact: Human Resources at


Source Link: