Upcoming System Changes – Position Numbers (From KFS Listserv)

Sent on behalf of the Office of Budget & Planning:

Upcoming System Changes – Position Numbers

As the University prepares to transition to a new recruitment and onboarding system through PageUp People, there is an important business process change that will occur: UConn assigned position numbers will no longer be used or tracked.

Note: The classified employee population (protective service, maintenance, social service and clerical unions) will continue to retain CORE position numbers generated from the State system, as always.

The change will be visible in a few different systems:

Recruiting – PageUp

  • You will no longer need to choose a position number to begin the recruiting process.
  • More detail on the recruiting system process will be available in training, open labs, etc.  Please refer to the Daily Digest for additional information on the Page Up transition or contact Human Resources at workforce@uconn.edu.

Financial – KFS

  • All payroll expenditure and encumbrance files that feed into KFS will have the employee number value in the position number field (similar to the process in KFS prior to FY2016).
  • This change takes effect during Pay Period Ending 11/21/19. Encumbrance updates will occur the week of 11/25 and the first payroll expense will hit the week of 12/2.
  • For this Fiscal Year only, due to the timing of the transition, the KFS Account Status (Current Funds) inquiry screen will display the YTD actual pay split by position number (pre-transition) and employee number (post-transition).

Budget Construction

  • No vacancies will be loaded into Budget Construction. As always, users may add new vacancies manually with “TBA” placeholder positions. For refills, users can budget the refilled salary on the incumbent employee’s line.


  • There is no change to the .pdf and .html versions of the Filled Position Detail and Summary reports as they did not contain position number.  The position number field will be removed from the excel version of the reports but it will remain as a field in the data star.
  • We recommend running any self-created detailed payroll reports by employee number.

      If you have any further questions regarding the change within KFS, please contact your assigned budget analyst.


      From: Kuali Financial System <KFS-L@LISTSERV.UCONN.EDU> On Behalf Of Pavone, Annette
      Sent: Wednesday, November 20, 2019 3:52 PM
      Subject: Upcoming System Changes – Position Numbers