Author: Lunt, Winnie

KFS Upgrade Test Environment

For those of you that utilize KFS, I wanted to share with you the link to the KFS Test Environment:  so that you have an opportunity to see the new look and feel of the system before training occurs.  Additional communication will be provided on Training, Job Aids, and Go Live as we approach September, and will continue to share any information as I receive it.

As mentioned in our last Administrative Meeting a new General Ledger Transfer (GLT) document will be introduced.  Here is the link to the GLT tutorial video:


Thank you,

Fall 2020 Student Employment Guidance (From Student Employee Listserv)

Attachment: Sample Student Offer Letter August 2020

Dear Student Employee Supervisors,

The fall semester will bring a partial opening of the Storrs and regional campuses. As student supervisors we are encouraging you to follow the Human Resource Guidelines as it pertains to telecommuting and reporting to work.

Please note, these guidelines are applicable to Student Labor and Federal Work Study students.

We have compiled a list of FAQs for your reference:

  • Can I hire students for the in-person operations of my department? Am I required to obtain additional approval?  Yes, student employees can be hired for in-person operations, there is no additional approval required.


  • I would like to hire a student employee that will be telecommuting, do I need to seek additional approval or notify HR of the remote work environment?  Yes, students can be hired to work remote. There is no notification or approval required by Human Resources or the Student Employment Office.


  • Are student employees required to complete the mandatory Environmental Health & Safety Training (EH & S) upon re-entry to in-person employment?  Yes, students should complete the Environmental Health & Safety Training and alert supervisors upon completion.


  • What are the testing requirements for off-campus student employees who are online/distance learning only?  Student testing is being facilitated by Student Health and Wellness (SHaW). Please refer to their FAQ as it relates to testing requirements.


  • Who/what department will be facilitating/monitoring the testing for off-campus students (who are online/distance learning) but secure on-campus employment?  Testing is required for all students returning to campus for learning and/or employment. Please refer to SHaW for additional information on student testing.


  • Can a student employee work in an office without a full-time staff member present?  Student employees who have completed the required EH & S training and who can perform their duties independently, may work on campus without a full-time staff member present.


  • Will student employees be paid if they are COVID positive and are required to quarantine?  No, if the duties cannot be performed remotely, students will not be paid. However, if the student employee has earned sick time during their employment, they may use it to compensate their time off. Please refer to the student employment sick time policy for more information regarding accruals.


  • I would like to hire an out-of-state student to help with the reopening of campus/my  department. If they produce a negative COVID test result, can they begin work prior to the completion of the mandated, 14-day quarantine?  No, students traveling to CT from states listed on the Connecticut Travel Advisory are required to self-quarantine for 14 days. A negative COVID test result does not expedite this process.


  • Can I hire an international student to work remote while they are in their home country?  No, at this time the University cannot hire international students to work remotely.


We have attached a sample offer letter, please feel free to use this template and edit to meet the needs of your department


Kind regards from,

Student Employment

Skype retiring. Transition to Teams. (From ITS)

Dear Colleagues,

We are writing to notify you of upcoming service changes to Skype for Business.

On Friday, August 7, the University is moving exclusively to Microsoft Teams and discontinuing Skype for Business. Starting that evening, you will be directed to use Teams if you launch Skype. All Skype meetings that you created will also be converted to Teams meetings.

We are making this change because Microsoft is retiring Skype for Business soon. Teams offers the same instant messaging and conferencing capabilities as Skype, but because it is integrated with Office 365, Teams provides more features and collaboration tools. While our community has been able to use both apps, there are compatibility issues between Skype and Teams.  With everyone on one app, we can communicate and collaborate more seamlessly.

Support and training information for Teams is available on the IT Knowledge Base: If you and others in your area would like a custom demonstration or have any questions about this transition, please do not hesitate to contact the Office 365 team at


Meera Nair


From: Skype Users <SKYPEUSERS-L@LISTSERV.UCONN.EDU> On Behalf Of Nair, Meera
Sent: Friday, July 31, 2020 10:59 AM
Subject: Skype retiring. Transition to Teams.

Transition to Microsoft Teams (From Daily Digest)

Transition to Microsoft Teams

At UConn, all faculty, staff, and students can instant message and meet with Microsoft Teams and Skype for Business. With Teams, you can do more. Because it is fully integrated into Office 365 (O365), you can access other apps and services, like your files in OneDrive and your calendar, while using Teams.

Microsoft is retiring Skype for Business. Before this happens, Information Technology Services (ITS) is moving our UConn community exclusively to Teams. With everyone on one app, we can communicate and collaborate seamlessly and avoid compatibility issues between Skype and Teams.

After August 7th, only Teams will be available. To support this transition, ITS is providing training opportunities.

  • On Monday, July 13 at 10:00 am, Microsoft will host a live event where they will cover how to use the Teams. You can attend the live event by clicking the following link at the scheduled time: Join Live Event. This event will be recorded and made available for later viewing.
  • If your department or area would like a session targeted to your specific needs, ITS can provide a custom demonstration. Send requests to

For details information about Teams, including how it compares to Skype and how to use its features, visit the IT Knowledge Base:

For more information, contact: ITS at

Updated Object Code Guides (From KFS Listserv)

The following guides have been updated for Fiscal Year 2021, and can be found at:

KFS Asset, Liability & Fund Balance Object Codes Descriptions
KFS Expense Object Codes Descriptions
KFS Revenue Object Codes Descriptions

Feel free to contact me if you have any questions about the guides or object code usage.

Thank you,

Annette Pavone, CPA
Accounting Manager, Inventory Control & Capitalization
Accounting Office
University of Connecticut
343 Mansfield Road
Storrs, CT 06269-1074
Phone (860) 486-2934

Last call for fiscal year-end gifts and disbursements (From UConn Foundation)

Attachment: Fiscal Year-end memo

I hope everyone had an enjoyable holiday weekend.  It’s hard to believe we’ve been working remotely for almost 4 months and are closing out the fiscal year in the next week.  I’m forwarding the attached memo regarding year-end processing for Foundation gifts and disbursements.

Please contact Ed Liedke with disbursement questions or Bonnie Burleigh for gift questions.  Our e-mails are and

Reimbursement Type Reminder:  When creating an RFD for submission, University users should select between two options for reimbursement type:

  • If the payee is UConn or UConn Health, the reimbursement type must be University reimbursement
  • If the payee is any vendor who is not one of the above, the reimbursement type must be University Direct Pay


Edward Liedke
Director of Fund Administration
And Disbursements
Phone:  860-486-2006
2390 Alumni Dr. U-3206
Storrs, CT 06269

Concur Travel and Expense- Payment Update (From Travel)

Dear Colleagues,


Per the University travel policy, approved by the Board of Trustees on April 29, 2020, travel that includes airfare, hotel, or car rental, requires a fully approved travel request in Concur prior to departing for your trip.


The University will now require travelers to provide a form of payment at the time of booking, rather than allowing employees to book airfare on a centrally billed card.  It is recommended that this form of payment be a University sponsored Individual Travel Card but employees can also use a personal credit card if desired.  As a reminder, expenses charged to a personal credit card will not be reimbursed until after the trip has completed.  In addition, cash advances will not be issued for airfare.


In order to allow for ample time to request and receive a Travel Card, the Central Airfare Card being used by our Travel Management Companies (Key Travel and Anthony Travel) will remain in place until August 1, 2020.   Any travel booked in Concur or directly with one of our Travel Management Companies after this date will require a form of payment to complete the booking.   


Effective immediately, Sanditz can only be used for Student and Guest Travel until we fully implement student and guest travel in Concur, expected for Fall 2020. 


If you have not yet applied for a University Individual Travel Card, you must complete the required trainingand then submit an application for approval.  Once the application is fully approved, it takes 7 – 10 business days for you to receive the card.  Travel Cards will be mailed to the home address you provide on your application for the time that employees are working remotely.


As always, please reach out to the travel team with any questions,  


Thank you.

COVID-19 Pro-Card Information

Attachment: Emergency_Purchase_Procedures_Regarding_COVID-19

Hello everyone,

We wanted to share the attached information from Purchasing.  It provides important information related to Pro-Card purchases during COVID-19.

Just a friendly reminder, we continue to post important updates/information to our website, so please don’t forget to visit our website:

Thank you,



Alicia Huckle / Asst. Dean for Finance and Administration
University of Connecticut
College of Agriculture, Health and Natural Resources
Phone: (860) 486-5318

KFS is now open for Fiscal Year 2021 Processing (From KFS Listserv)

KFS is now open for Fiscal Year 2021 Processing. Happy New Fiscal Year!

As you begin to look at balances on your accounts in KFS, please note the following:

  1. Although Fiscal Year 2021 is the default on balance inquiries, you have the option to change the date to Fiscal Year 2020 by typing over 2021.
  2. When looking at Fiscal Year 2020 balances on the “General Ledger Balance” inquiry, there is an additional period called “Year End.” This is where you will see any activity posted after June 30, 2020 that relates to Fiscal Year 2020. On the General Ledger Entry inquiry, you will see these transactions in Fiscal Period “13.”
  3. 3. Fiscal Year 2021 Budgets are loaded for all 2-ledger, 3-ledger, and Fiscal 4-ledger/6-ledger accounts. (Sub-funds OPTUI, OPOTF, OPAUX, RFNDO, RFNDA). Budgets for project accounts are scheduled to be updated overnight on July 1st as pending entries (see #4 below). Processing for all accounts should continue as necessary.
  4. KFS has the ability to show the prior year balances carried over into the new fiscal year. Ending balances from Fiscal Year 2020, which are scheduled to be loaded overnight on July 1st as pending entries, will be regularly updated into Fiscal Year 2021 until the final close in August.
  5. Encumbrances:
  6. New Fiscal Year 2021 external encumbrances (Purchase Orders) are in KFS
  7. Prior Year external encumbrances that are carried forward into Fiscal Year 2021 are also in KFS.
  8. Fiscal Year 2021 payroll encumbrances will be posted the night of July 8, 2020.

If you have any questions, please contact Annette Pavone at


Annette Pavone, CPA
Accounting Manager, Inventory Control & Capitalization
Accounting Office
University of Connecticut
343 Mansfield Road
Storrs, CT 06269-1074
Phone (860) 486-2934