FW: COVID-related expenses and requests for supplies, personnel

Hello everyone,

Just sharing an important reminder to follow the attached guidance regarding the coding of expenses associated with COVID-19.

Thank you,

PDF: Coding Expenses Associated with Coronavirus_3.17.2020[1]

Dear Colleagues,

As part of our efforts to coordinate operational and financial aspects of the University’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic, I am writing to ask that you share guidance with managers and supervisors in your units with respect to the following ongoing matters:

  1. Now that Federal and State emergency measures have been invoked through several executive orders, it may be possible for UConn to receive financial relief for some of the expenses it has incurred in response to the virus and its effects. We do not yet know with any precision what sorts of reimbursements we may be eligible for, but we do know that the only way we can make a case for them is if we are fastidious in our tracking and documentation of these expenses. It is very important that departments keep careful records of all unanticipated expenses. These may include additional equipment and supply purchases, additional staffing needs, and any other spending that has arisen in response to the pandemic. Please see the attached guidelines for coding expenses related to COVID-19.
  2. If any unit receives requests for supplies, equipment, or staffing to fill needs associated with the pandemic, either from another UConn unit or from any external body (including the State of Connecticut), these requests should be communicated directly to the Office of Emergency Management, oem@uconn.edu, with a copy to our office, provost@uconn.edu.  All institutional responses to such requests are being managed and tracked centrally.

Thank you for your assistance in these matters. Wishing you continued health in these challenging times.




Jeffrey S. Shoulson

Vice Provost for Academic Operations

Professor of Literatures, Cultures, and Languages and Professor of English

University of Connecticut

352 Mansfield Road, Unit 1086

Storrs, CT 06268-1086