News and Announcements

Update: Special Payroll and PageUp (From Special Payroll Listserv)

Dear Colleagues,

We write with updates and reminders on Special Payroll and PageUp.


Regular Payroll Faculty Members

Summer appointments (5/23-8/22) for regular payroll faculty members, eligible under the Extra Compensation policy, are now processed through a SmartHR transaction, which HR will post-audit. These appointments will not be processed through PageUp. Departments should submit the SmartHR transaction with the appropriate documentation for regular payroll faculty members:

  • Conducting research: The Faculty Research Certification is now available on the HR website.
  • Teaching a credit course: The offer letter template is now available on the HR website.
  • Performing all other work on special payroll: The offer letter template is now available on the HR website.

Graduate Students

Departments should use the PageUp special payroll graduate search that HR has set up for summer (5/22-8/22) appointments. Departments will need to send out the link to the graduate student(s) to apply.  Once the graduate student has applied, the department can submit the hire request with the appropriate documentation for graduate students:

  • Conducting research: The offer letter to use in this situation is “Grad Student Technician,” as found in the PageUp merge feature.
  • Teaching a credit course: The offer letter to use in this situation is “Grad Special Pay Lecturer,” as found in the PageUp merge feature.
  • Providing course support: Currently, departments submit requests for GA Instructional Specialists at the maximum stipend amount; however, the final stipend amount depends on student enrollment in the course, and the stipend amount cannot be updated if the GA has already accepted the offer and a SmartHR has been processed. To address this issue for summer 2020, HR recommends the following process: Departments continue to submit hire requests at the maximum stipend  (and the offer letter, “Grad Instructional Specialist,” should contain the stipend formula, not the actual stipend) and continue to offer the position to the GA. Departments should refrain from submitting the SmartHR transaction until after the final stipend amount is known; HR will update the hire request and re-export the data to Smart HR for processing by departments. HR will contact departments at the end of the add/drop periods to collect final stipend amounts.


Add/Drop Schedule for Final Course Support Stipend
Session Add/Drop End Date
May Term (5/11-5/29) May 13
Summer Session 1 (6/1-7/2) June 5
Alternative Session 1 (6/1-7/10) June 5
Summer Session 2 (7/13-8/14) July 17
Alternative Session 2 (7/13-8/21) July 17
Summer Session 3 (6/1-8/28) June 5


UCPEA and Special Payroll

A Flexible Work Schedule Agreement Form is needed when an employee in a position covered by UCPEA is on a special payroll appointment and needs to adjust their regular payroll schedule to accommodate the special payroll activity. Completed forms should be sent directly to BOTH and for approval. Once approved by Labor Relations, HR will be able to continue processing the special payroll request.

Late Course Cancellations for Adjunct Faculty Members

Article 26.3 of the AAUP contract requires notice to adjunct faculty when their scheduled course is cancelled. Notification timeframes vary by length of service:

  • 30 days’ notice for adjuncts who have worked less than 6 consecutive semesters.
  • 45 days’ notice for adjuncts who have worked 6 or more consecutive semesters.

If the adjunct faculty member does not receive the necessary notification, they are eligible for a partial lump-sum payment of their original appointment. The following formula is used to calculate the lump-sum payment:

  1. Number of Days’ Notice Required by Contract – Actual Number of Days’ Notice Prior to the Start of the Course = Days’ Owed
  2. (Intended Stipend Payment / Number of Days in the Semester) * Days’ Owed = One-Time Lump-Sum Payment

The lump-sum payment should be processed through SmartHR.

Please forward any questions to


From: Special Payroll Information <SPECIAL_PAYROLL-L@LISTSERV.UCONN.EDU> On Behalf Of Murray, Brandon
Sent: Thursday, February 27, 2020 9:27 AM
Subject: Update: Special Payroll and PageUp

Concur Update (From UConn Staff Listserv)


We are writing to provide an update regarding the University SAP Concur implementation.

The SAP Concur project is a collaborative UConn initiative to implement a best-in-class, cloud-based Travel and Expense management service for the university.  There are currently over 2,600 employees participating in the pilot phase of this project.  There has been strong feedback during this phase that complexity in the environment has, at times, made it difficult to make best use of the service.

Based on this feedback, the first phase of the project will not go-live on its previously scheduled date of March 10, 2020.  The project will, instead, assess the environment to streamline elements of the workflow and to simplify customer interaction.  In the coming weeks you will hear more details about the project, including updated timelines and rollouts.

We would like to extend our thanks to the pilot participants and to other engaged members of our community for your efforts and thoughtful contributions.  Your partnership has been invaluable.  We are committed to providing a high-performing system that represents the best practical balance between effective university controls and a robust, enjoyable customer experience.  Please do not hesitate to contact us or the project if you have comments, questions, or concerns.


Trish Casey, CPA                                                                                                       
Associate Vice President, Financial Operations and Controller

John Clifford, Ph. D
University Director of Procurement Services

Gregory Daniels, J.D.
Interim Associate Vice President of UBS and Chief Procurement Officer

Michael Mundrane, Ph. D
Vice President for Information Technology and Chief Information Officer


From: Official Announcements – All UConn Staff <UCONN_STAFF-L@LISTSERV.UCONN.EDU> On Behalf Of Mundrane, Michael
Sent: Friday, February 14, 2020 4:39 PM
Subject: [UCONN_STAFF-L] Concur Update

WebFOCUS Standard Report Update (From KFDM Listserv)

On behalf of the Office of Budget and Planning,

WebFOCUS Standard Report Update

In an effort to enhance and consolidate university financial reporting, we have made some updates to the General Ledger Reports in the Standard Reports domain in WebFOCUS.  Two new reports will be published and old reports will be moved to a folder called “Archived Reports”.  These reports will still be available for use but will no longer be updated or supported.  In addition to these major changes, a few minor updates to the remaining reports will follow (as noted below). This effort will reduce the number of reports from 17 down to 7, once complete. We hope that you find these updates useful and we ask that you please let us know if you run into any issues.


  • Consistency in what is included and how
  • Improved naming to make it clear as to what data is delivered
  • Limit the number of reports by increasing their efficiency
  • Better customization by adding more prompt options and increasing the number of fields in excel versions.

Updated Report List

Report Enhancements Report it Replaced
Budget to Actuals New– Combined 6 reports into 1 Account Balances, Account Balances by object Code, Account Balances Summary, Statement of Activity –(Budget to Actuals, Budget to Actuals by Account, Budget to Actuals with Prior Year)
Summary of Actuals by Fund Source New– Combined 2 reports into 1 Statement of Activity – (Statement, Summary)
Account Information Combined with Accounts by Organization Accounts by Organization
Account Transactions Made minor updates to excel output to include more fields None
Budget Balances by Account Will be combined with Budget Balances by Object None
Budget Balances by Object Will be combined with Budget Balances by Account None
Carry Forward Report Minor enhancements coming soon None
Fund Balance Report Minor enhancements coming soon None

In addition to the reports that are being replaced, reports that are either not widely used or no longer useful due to system and process changes will also be moved to the Archived Reports folder.

Archived Reports

Reports Report It Was Replaced By
Account Balances Budget to Actuals
Account Balances by Object Code Budget to Actuals
Account Balances Summary Budget to Actuals
Accounts by Organization Account Information
Base Budget vs. Committed Salaries None
One to Many Fund Balances None
Statement of Activity Budget to Actuals Budget to Actuals
Statement of Activity Budget to Actuals by Account Budget to Actuals
Statement of Activity Budget to Actuals with Prior Year Budget to Actuals
Statement of Activity Summary Summary of Actuals by Fund Source
Statement of Activity Statement Summary of Actuals by Fund Source

If you have any questions regarding the report changes, please contact your assigned Budget Analyst.

From: KFDM, Kuali Financial Data Mart <KFDM-L@LISTSERV.UCONN.EDU> On Behalf Of Hodgkins, Stephen
Sent: Thursday, February 6, 2020 10:27 AM
Subject: WebFOCUS Standard Report Changes

Concur Travel and Expense Support Opportunities (From Daily Digest)

Concur Travel and Expense Training Opportunities

Whether you have been using Concur since October or you are going live later this year, in-person training is available for all Employees, Grad Assistants, Grad Interns, and Post-Docs. Please visit the Travel and Expense Project Page or the Professional Development Training Page directly to register for a session(s) most applicable to you.  Training options are outlined below.

Concur Travel and Expense Open Labs

If you are already using Concur as an early-adopter, we have additional opportunities for you to receive in-person support.  If you need assistance with requesting, booking, or expensing travel, please stop by one of our Open Labs, located in Wilbur Cross Training Room B on:

  • Mondays from 1:00pm – 3:30pm
  • Thursdays from 9:00am – 12:00pm.

Concur Travel and Expense Reference Material

As always, training documentation and e-learning modules are always available by visiting the Travel and Expense Project Page directly.

Class Title


Training Length

Concur Preparer Delegate Training This session is recommended for employees, who will be delegated to assist with the preparation of travel requests and/or expense reports, on behalf of another UConn End User (traveler). This training encapsulates the entirety of all concur training sessions. You do not need to attend the other trainings in addition to this.

3 Hours

Concur Request and Travel Training for End Users This session is recommended for employees  traveling on behalf of UConn.

1.5 Hours

Concur Expense End User Training This session is recommended for employees seeking reimbursement for UConn travel and/or non-travel related business expenses.

1.5 Hours

Concur Approver Training This session is recommended for employees approving travel requests and/or travel and non-travel expense reports at UConn. Approvers in Concur are defined as those whom have direct reports in CORE CT and/or those listed as a Fiscal Officer in KFS.

1 Hour

For more information, contact: Travel at

February Reminders and Tips from AR (From Daily Digest)

Do you/your department invoice for goods and/or services?  If so, The Accounts Receivable (AR) in the Bursar’s Office is offering assistance and trainings!

Our office handles all non-student receivables: monitoring invoices, payments, and customers in KFS; sending accounts to third party collection agencies and for DAS tax offset; conducting AR KFS trainings; creating invoices in CORE for other State of CT agencies; facilitating invoices with UConn Health; and so much more.

Trainings are currently available for:

  • Invoicing (including UConn Health)
  • Credit memos
  • Creating customers
  • Collecting on past-due accounts

For more information, contact Dan Lis, (Accounts Receivable Supervisor) and Angela Piela (Administrative Services Specialist 2) at, or call 860-486-5995 (6-5995 on campus).

For more information, contact: Accounts Receivable at


Source link:

PageUp: Extending a Job Offer (From HR – 1/24/20)

From: Special Payroll Information <SPECIAL_PAYROLL-L@LISTSERV.UCONN.EDU> On Behalf Of HR – Communications
Sent: Friday, January 24, 2020 8:34 AM
Subject: PageUp: Extending a Job Offer

In response to departments unintentionally extending job offers without approval in PageUp, HR has implemented a step between “Create Hire Request” and “Make Online Offer.”

This applies to unclassified searches and Special Payroll appointments:

  1. As usual, Hiring Departments will update their top candidate’s status to “Preliminary Offer Decided” and enter all post-interview evaluations.
  2. Hiring Departments will complete a “Create Hire Request,” entering the appropriate Approval Process.
  3. The Hire Request goes through the usual chain of approvals, with a final approval in HR.
  4. HR approves the hire and changes the candidate’s status to “Ready for Dept. to Make Offer.”
  5. The Department will now have the option to “Make Online Offer” to the candidate.

While this is an extra step for HR, this will prevent departments from unintentionally extending offers to candidates without the necessary approvals. Please remember to review all offer letter and hiring request terms and conditions (e.g., start date, salary) prior to moving a candidate to “Make Online Offer.”

This does not impact the ability of departments to conduct verbal negotiations with faculty. As usual, the department needs all approvals before extending a formal offer.

To sign up for PageUp training in February or March, please visit Learning@Work:

Human Resources will hold Open Lab sessions on the following dates and times in Training Room A, Wilbur Cross:

  • 2/12/2020 8:30am-11am
  • 2/18/2020 8:30am-11am
  • 3/4/2020 8:30am-11am
  • 3/17/2020 8:30am-11am

Please check the PageUp website periodically for updates to help documents, and please contact Workforce Solutions via with questions.

Criminal Background Check and Special Payroll Updates (From HR)

From: Special Payroll Information <SPECIAL_PAYROLL-L@LISTSERV.UCONN.EDU> On Behalf Of HR – Communications
Sent: Tuesday, January 14, 2020 11:18 AM
Subject: Criminal Background Check and Special Payroll Updates

Dear Colleagues,

We write to share updates on the criminal background check process and PageUp Special Payroll submissions.

Criminal Background Checks

With the implementation of PageUp, Human Resources has moved to an online background check process. Upon the acceptance of a Regular or Special Payroll job offer through PageUp, the Criminal Background Check (CBC) Team will determine the necessity of a background check. If needed, new hires will receive an automated e-mail from Swift Hire via This e-mail will provide new hires with instructions to start the online background check process. All hires through PageUp will use Swift Hire, and Human Resources will not accept paper forms for these hires.

Human Resources will continue to use paper forms for gratis/volunteer appointments, Minor Protection Programs, and 4H/NRCA Programs. Human Resources will communicate further if these programs move to Swift Hire.

Please contact the CBC Team via or 860-486-3034 with questions.

Special Payroll

There are several updates and recommendations about the Special Payroll process in PageUp:

  • HR has updated adjunct offer letter templates to include course information (Course Name & Number); please enter this information in appropriate offer letters.
  • PageUp now includes two new fields: (1) a KFS dropdown for criminal background checks and (2) a yes or no question about whether a retiree’s compensation is grant funded.
  • Before saving a request, remember to complete all system required fields to ensure that the document saves properly. Saved requests missing system required fields will not save properly.
  • Always include weekly hours in the “Compensation and Anticipated Hours” section to ensure compliance with the Affordable Care Act (ACA).
  • For data changes, ensure that “yes” is selected for “Is this request a data change where the appointment already exists in Core-CT?” and select the Special Payroll Data Change Only onboarding form.
  • Please use the appropriate template (if the appropriate template is not available, please contact Payroll):
    • UC_PG_SPNT (Special Payroll Time Reporter Hire PageUp);
    • UC_PG_SPNTS (Special Payroll Non-Teaching Stipend Hire PageUp);
    • UC_PG_SPT (Special Payroll Teaching Hire PageUp).
  • To help identify which special payroll search to use:
    • First, identify the special payroll title for the appointment.
    • If it’s teaching (Adjunct Faculty or Special Payroll Lecturer), use your special payroll search called “DEPARTMENT Special Payroll Teaching Position”
    • If it’s instructional support (Instructional Specialist, Academic Technician, Academic Specialist, etc.), use the special payroll search called “DEPARTMENT Special Payroll Instructional Support position”
    • If you are hiring a graduate assistant in one of the graduate special payroll titles (Graduate Instructional Specialist, Graduate Overload, Graduate Student Technician, Graduate Special Payroll Lecturer, etc.), use the special payroll search titled “DEPARTMENT Special Payroll Graduate Position”
    • For all other titles, such as Temporary University Specialist, Project/Program Specialist, Public Service Technician, Research Specialist, Research Technician, etc. use “DEPARTMENT Special Payroll Position”

To ensure that hiring departments issue the most up-to-date offer letters to new hires, please merge offer letters within PageUp. HR encourages hiring departments to closely review merged documents for completeness and accuracy. HR reviews all offer letters and out-of-date, incomplete, or incorrect offer letters require significant time to revise causing processing delays.

As a reminder HR will hold an open lab session on Wednesday, January 15th, from 1:30 – 3:30 in Chaplin Training Room on the Depot Campus. No sign up is required.

To sign up for PageUp training, please visit Learning@Work:

Please contact Workforce Solutions via with questions.

F&A Rate Process Change (From University Research Administrators Forum)

Please see the announcement below that was distributed to Faculty.  This topic will be discussed at the SPA meeting on January 15th.

From: UConn – Office of the Vice President for Research <>
Sent: Thursday, January 9, 2020 9:47 AM
Subject: F&A Rate Process Change

Dear Principal Investigator and Grants Administrator,

UConn must change its practice of grandfathering the F&A rate originally proposed to applying the F&A rate in effect at time of award (in some cases the effective rate will have increased due to a delay in the award start date).  Even when this practice results in less F&A being charged to the grant, there have been repeated NSF audits requiring institutions to charge the negotiated rate in effect at the time the transaction posts. The same is true for UConn in the current NSF audit.

To meet this requirement, this year all sponsored projects are being transitioned so that expenditures that post to a sponsored project on July 1 or thereafter are charged in accordance with the current F&A rate agreement and not in accordance with the proposal budget:

  • This applies to all projects that had a proposed F&A rate of 59.5%
  • This does not apply to projects that have a mandatory F&A cap or a set or reduced F&A rate (such as training grants, many foundation sponsors, etc.)
  • New awards will be set up at the F&A rate that is in effect when the notice of award is received. (In cases where the rate varies from what was submitted in the proposal, SPS will contact PIs and request that they submit a revised budget as a part of the award setup process.)
  • SPS will contact you when a rebudget is needed; however, you may also submit a rebudget in advance of SPS contacting you

If you have an award that is ending this year, SPS will take the necessary steps as part of the close out of your award. You do not need to do anything.

During the transition period, the Office of the Vice President for Research (OVPR) will calculate the amount of additional F&A that will be charged to the award as compared to the proposal (awarded) budget and will credit this amount to the PI’s F&A account to support the impacted project.  This transaction will be separate from the annual F&A distribution to faculty, departments, and Schools/Colleges, which will continue in accordance with the 10/10/10 distribution model. Please allow some time as SPS reviews and calculates each project account during this process.  Accounts that have already been adjusted to 61% will be prioritized and the return will be completed by April 30, 2020. The return for the remainder of the projects will be completed by the end of the fiscal year. Should you have a unique circumstance, please don’t hesitate to contact Laura Kozma or Jen Johnson.

Laura Kozma                                                                                                                                      Jen Johnson
Executive Director, Sponsored Programs Services                                                              Associate Director, Awards Management & Accounting                                                                                                   
860.486.3798                                                                                                                                      860.486.4293

From: University Research Administrators Forum <UCRESADM-L@LISTSERV.UCONN.EDU> On Behalf Of Johnson, Jennifer M
Sent: Thursday, January 9, 2020 11:29 AM
Subject: [UCRESADM-L] F&A Rate Process Change

Mileage Rate Change (From Foundation)

As of January 1, 2020 the federal rate for mileage reimbursement has changed to 57.5 cents per mile.

The rate for 2019 was 58 cents per mile.

The Travel and Entertainment workbook has been updated for this change and can be found in the Supplemental Documents in PaperSave.  The form is titled “Travel and Entertainment – 2020”.

Note:  The “Travel and Entertainment-2019” workbook will stay in the system for the first quarter of the calendar year and is to be used for recording/calculating mileage for travel that occurred in 2019.

It is imperative that the correct forms be used for calculating/reimbursing mileage.  If an incorrect form is used, the Request for Disbursement (RFD) will be returned for correct form usage.

As a reminder, the workbook may be opened in Excel using the following steps:

  1. Click on the box to the left of the desired form.
  2. Click on the “Save” button in the toolbar.
  3. An Excel link will appear on the bottom of the screen, click on this link to open the workbook.

The workbook will need to be scanned/saved as a PDF file for attachment to an RFD.

If you have any questions or need additional information please feel free to contact a member of the Disbursement Team.


Edward Liedke
Director of Fund Administration
And Disbursements
Phone:  860-486-2006
2390 Alumni Dr. U-3206
Storrs, CT 06269
From: Edward Liedke <>
Sent: Wednesday, January 8, 2020 11:12 AM
Subject: Mileage Rate Change

Budget Construction Workbook – Due Jan 31st

As discussed in the Admin Meeting on Thursday, December 19th – Budget Construction will be managed slightly different this year.   Budget Construction Excel Workbook that was mentioned in the meeting which will be used to facilitate this year’s FY21 Budget Construction.  The goal is to make the process more collaborative and make it as easy as possible for everyone as well as provide input into the FY20 Provost Budget Hearing process.

Please email the completed worksheet to no later than Friday, January 31st at 4:00PM.  If you do not wish to complete the worksheet and would like the Business Office to manage the Budget Construction process for your unit, please let us know and will use a trend analysis to fill in the worksheet

If you have any questions , please email