FY21 Budget Construction Feedback Please let us know how you feel about the new Budget Construction process this year. NameDepartmentAgriculture, Health & Natural Resources DeanAgriculture PublicationsCAHNR Acad ProgCAHNR ResearchAgricultural and Resource EconAllied Health SciencesAnimal ScienceCooperative Extension SystemDepartment of ExtensionKinesiologyNatural Resources and EnvironmentNutritional SciencesPathobiology and Veterinary SciencePlant Science and Landscape ArchitectureHow do you feel the process was this year compared to previous years?* Better Not better Same CommentsDo you feel you had enough time and/or information to complete your submission?* Plenty of time Just enough time Not enough time CommentsHow can we improve this process next year?PhoneThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.